Getting the biggest return on your investment for marketing dollars spent is a top priority for every company. It doesn’t matter if you’re an e-commerce company, lawyer’s office, doctor’s office or any other type of business. You want to make sure when your investing money in marketing, that your efforts are going to grow your sales and your bottom line. That’s where a full service marketing and advertising company like ours can help.
The truth is outsourcing your marketing department to a company like ours can save you time, energy, and a lot of money. Having worked with dozens of companies on their marketing strategy, plans, execution, here are 4 reasons why contracting out to a marketing company like ours to run your earned, paid, and affiliate marketing campaigns can pay off big in the end.
1. Contracting out to a marketing company will save you money. Hiring a full-time marketing person in Los Angeles is going to cost you upwards of $70,000 - $150,000 a year for salary, insurance, and more. Additionally, you need to pay for your campaigns, on top of the cost of retaining a full time employee. On average, companies spend around 5-10% of your overall revenue on marketing. Why not put more dollars into the actual media buy, rather than additional employees pockets? This is where our process and efficiencies help small businesses scale quickly and grow so that you can bring on more staff down the road.
2. Contracting out your marketing efforts can enhance, compliment and add value to existing strategies. Maybe your a company with a marketing person or two on staff already. The value proposition of outsourcing your marketing here is we will work with your staff to develop and execute on strategy. We'll bring to the table best practices across your industry around the country and we’ll also provide a full audit of what you’re currently doing and where we can improve your marketing strategy, acquisition of new customers, and cultivation of existing customers.
3. Contracting out your company’s marketing can add industry knowledge and best practices across a range of geographies. Even the most experienced marketers may not have the understanding of your industry. Because our team has run thousands of campaigns for thousands of business across almost every sector, we can leverage our experience and knowledge to scale your campaigns based on best practices learned through years of testing.
4. An outside perspective on marketing your business can sharpen the focus and increase the impact of your current efforts. As a firm that specializes in being your go to for outsourced marketing in Los Angeles & beyond, we come in to serve your existing efforts and make the results better.
If your company is wanting to grow your sales and achieve business results, give us a call today to talk about ways we can add value and enhance your existing marketing efforts.
Our Promise to You
As a leading digital marketing & website design company in Los Angeles, L2 Digital Marketing consistently strive to perform at the highest level within our industry. We will not offer a product or service that we ourselves would not be 100% happy with and stand behind. Our promise to you is to ensure that you are satisfied with the products that are being fulfilled and in turn building a long standing relationship together.
Hollywood Website Design
Los Angeles e-commerce solutions
Pasadena e-commerce solutions
Los Angeles Advertising Agency
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L2 Digital Marketing, a leading advertising agency based in Los Angeles, California serving businesses with website design and digital marketing services in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area and nationwide. Providing a full suite of digital marketing tools and services to help your business succeed online.